Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Tuesday

Tomorrow is an exciting day. It's Super Tuesday. After tomorrow, we will have a good idea of who our next president will be. Our primary isn't for quite some time, so I have to live through other states to get my political fix. This year's cast of characters? ... not so good.

I'm a registered Republican (! hiss!), so I'll for the most part have 3 choices this spring... Huckabee, Romney, McCain. Out of those 3, I like Huckabee the best. The main reason for Huckabee is he can rally up some support for the fair tax which I believe would help this country more than anything. McCain is more a of a middle of the road kind of guy. He just comes off as an asshole to me....much like Dick Cheney. Mitt Romney...well..I just can't vote for a guy named after a piece of baseball equipment. Besides he's a "management" type. He's a suit's suit. Not for me.

On the Democrat side, you are down to 2 choices for the most part. Clinton or Obama. Well, I despise everything about Hillary Clinton. She's a snake. I swear this woman would eat her own young to have power. The Clinton's want to be the next Kennedy's. They will stop at nothing to get there. The woman has no personality, a no good agenda, and she's just plain annoying. Obama on the other hand comes off as a cool guy to me. I don't necessarily agree with all his politics, but he knows how to speak to people. He can rally up a group like no other candidate in this race.

How I will probably vote this fall:

If Clinton vs. Romney: Romney
If Obama vs. Romney: Probably Obama
If Clinton vs. McCain: McCain
If Obama vs. McCain: Obama
If Clinton vs. Huckabee: Huckabee
If Obama vs. Huckabee: Huckabee

This is all subject to change as I learn more about the candidates and what they stand for. You just have to remember that this whole process is just a beauty pagent. The president doesn't have any real power. I'll bet that little red button isn't even hooked up to anything.