Monday, February 18, 2008

As the day wears on...

I feel more tired and keep yawning. I don't expect to be able to play much poker if any this evening. I really wanted to make a video, but I don't think that will happen.

I VNC'd into my home computer and fired up some tables to datamine so they'll be ready when I get home. I'll just make that call when I get there.


I've been thinking about my poker game and what I want to do with this "hobby". I know my ultimate goal is to make money. That's the main reason I play. It's the real reason I started grinding again (pay off some credit card bills). When I first started my grinding again, I wasn't really enjoying poker. I wanted to win money, but I treated it like a job that paid very little. In no time, I hated it. This made it hard for me to grind out the hands to build my bankroll. It also made it hard for me to play good poker when I did play.

A few months later and I'm enjoying poker more than ever before. It's almost like poker is new to me for some reason. I can't explain my new found love of the game, nor how long it will last, but it's nice to have some motivation. I think the results have followed my positive outlook as well. This, in turn, makes poker even more fun. I have yet to hit that heater (unless you can't that 94 hand video I made last week...I call that a mini-heater because I've lost 5 buyins in less hands than that.)

Right now, I have no problem grinding out countless hands. However, since I've been hitting up the MTTs, I've been really enjoying those as well. MTTs are tough at times for me though because sometimes I don't have 5-10 hour chunks of time to dedicate that some MTTs require. I'm goign to keep playing them when I can though because I'm looking for that big score and I keep getting so close I can taste it.

I'm pretty positive my decision to mix things up a bit and play different games (PL Omaha, SnGs, MTTs, HORSE) have really kept the game fresh. This has helped my bankroll and my game overall. I sit down expecting to win. A few months ago, I sit down hoping to win, but expecting to get kicked in the nuts.