Friday, February 29, 2008


Put another MTT notch under my belt for this month. My 2nd MTT victory in as many weeks (I think). Again, this was was about as lackluster as winning the Donkarama rebuy a couple weeks ago.

Why can't I do this in a real tournament?

All in all, I feel I played the perfect tournament. It was limit which made it much easier on my since limit is my comfort zone. I started off slow running my KK into AA and losing a lot of my stack. But I continued to grind it out. I played a LAGGy game in this tournament trying to either win it or go home. I had some swings and survived a few all ins. The only big suckout came when I had to go all in KJ offsuit preflop with 3 people in the pot. The flop came 3, 4, 5. A bet and a fold later, I'm looking at a set of 4's. The turn came a 7 and river a 6 and I fist pump as we chop it up.

The final table was a breeze. There was one guy playing LAGgier than I, but he was what I would call maniacal. No concept of position. Just blindly flinging poo in the middle of the table. I took most of the chips from him. When it got down to heads up, things were simple. The guy was way too tight and folded 3 out of every 4 hands. I raised 100% of the time and took down most pots uncontested. He eventually let himself get down to nothign and I finished him off with my 76 offsuit.