Friday, February 22, 2008

Loose Change Freeroll, Bowling, and Castro

Yesterday was a good day on the tables, spoiled by bad play by myself. The results were still good, but I felt dirty. I made some good plays and a bunch of horrible plays. I didn't suck out to get my wins though. I just tilted a bit and got impatient. I had a huge fish with a huge stack on one of my tables. This guy was 8 buyins deep at one point. I had direct position on him. He had a VPIP just south of 90% and I raised him relentlessly. He started firing back at me, throwing a ton of bluffs. I got the best of him most times, but once I stacked off very light against him (impatient) and once I called down when I knew I was beat. However, for the most part, I won all my money from him and one other guy. It was weird because 90% VPIP fish was running like God against everyone but me. Money was transfered to him and then to me through him. Results wise, it was a good day, poker wise, I'd rather forget about my horrible play. I have video footage too.

Don't forget that this Sunday is the Loose Change Freeroll. All you gotta do to be part of these freerolls is sign up for rakeback at one of the sites listed on the right and opt into the freeroll. This weeks prize pool is over $5200. There aren't a huge number of entrants either.

I'll be in a rush on Sunday because this weekend is the city tournament for bowling. I have made good showings in these the past 2 years. 2 years ago, I finished 1st in the singles, and our team finished first in the team event. I also won the best all around / all events prize. Last year, I finished 3rd in the singles, 1st in the team, and 2nd in the all around events. This year, with my buddy Rog back in commission and him having a SHITLOAD of handicap, I expect to do well. We have a pretty solid team. The singles and doubles events will be held Saturday (I'm scheduled to bowl at 12:30), and Sunday the team event will be held at 12:00. Hopefully I can be done in time to get home for the start of the freeroll.

In other news, Michael Moore is still a douchebag. Now he's wanting to have Fidel Castro as his guest at the Academy Awards. Hey, fine with me! Just make sure he gets to walk the streets of Miami for a couple hours before he leaves. I'm sure a lot of defected Cubans would love to meet him. What the fuck is wrong with people in this world? Why is this fat piece of shit even famous? Honest, if I ever meet this man, I will throw a punch just out of principle. I'll take some handcuffs just to get one good punch.