Sunday, February 17, 2008

30 Day Challenge

Trish @ Building an Empire had a cool post the other day. She has decided to take a 30 day challenge and cut out TV. 30 days with no TV...cold turkey. I think she was incorporating television into her daily routine more and more and it was finally starting to take over. I had the same problem once before. Now I've been watching 2 shows a week myself, Lost and House (and sometimes Iron Chef America).

I wanted to do a 30 day challenge myself. I just wasn't sure what it was. Sure, I could say I'm going to exercise for the next 30 days, but I know that wasn't going to happen. Then this morning it hit me. I drink a ton of soda (pop for the hillbillies like myself). It's mostly diet soda, but it's a lot. I'm talking 6-8 cans a day. That can't be good on the kidneys.

So, I've decided to do a 30 day challenge where I drink nothing but water. No caffeine, no soda. Wow. I might go into some sort of shock. Today is day #1 of my challenge. So far, blah. It's morning time and this is when I need my soda the most. Water tastes like ass in the morning to me. After I've been up a few hours, I can deal with water though.

The benefits I expect to get from this challenge: better sleep (lack of caffeine), better health (I'm sure 6-8 cans of soda a day does wonders for the kidneys), and more money in my wallet. WHen you buy a 12 pack every day or a 24 pack ever other day, then that shit adds up. Hopefully all the water will flush out my system and I'll just be a happier, more healthy person.