Thursday, February 14, 2008

Draggin' Ass

I'm draggin' ass today. It feels like one of those Thursdays from last year when I was bowling in the late late league and would never get home before midnight. Last night's lack of sleep was due to poker though. I went deep in a $4.40/180 tourney on Stars and missed my bedtime.

Never fret, though. Even though I went deep in the tourney, I still busted out as the bubble boy before the final table. I spent a majority of the tournament in 2nd or 3rd in chips. Then in just a couple hands it all blew up. The first hand of my demise was while there were 19 left (18 paid). I pop it up to 3x BB from MP with pocket 3's. The BB called (he had about 6 BBs left after the call). Flop came T, 9, 4 with 2 spades. We both checked. The turn brought a lovely 3 (non spade). He bet out the minimum, and I put him all in. He instacalled with A9 of spades. Of course, he got there on the river. A couple of hands later, I'm in the BB and open shove with A9o and get called by A5o. Of course A5 > A9. I'm down and a couple hands later, out in 10th. I doubled my buyin for my effort.... bah!

I also decided to play the Mookie last night. I started out slow and got to a critical chipstack early. However, I switched tables and stayed aggressive and built that chipstack back up to a top 10 chipstack. Then I turned into a cardrack for a few hands. In the span of about 6-7 hands, I was dealt kings twice, qq, and JJ. Of course, I ended up with about 1/4 of the chips I started with by the end of those 6-7 hands. The key suckout was when my JJ < A7 all in pre-flop with someone of which I didn't recognize and can't remember their name. Then I got it all in with another person which I can't remember with QQ vs. A9s. Guess who won that one?

I also blew monster a monster chipstack in a $3.30 KO tourney on Tilt. I can't remember exact hands, but it was more of the same old shit. I get my money in good, donkey takes the pot. I'm getting sick of it.

Ah well, it won't be long until it all blows always does.