Monday, February 11, 2008


I played my first Hoy. My first table was cool. Hoy and Surflexus was there, so it was kind of tough too. I played a little LAGgy and donked off some chips early. I caught a yahtzee flop early also and slow played it into destruction as I lost a bit more. Then I chipped up a bit and ended up busting someone whom I can't remember :)

I had a good chipstack for a few hands and then decided enough was enough. Time to donk it all off. I did, back down below an average stack. Finally, in the end I lost 2 races against wormmsu (or something like that) in a row and I went out in the middle of the pack.

There's a lot of testosterone and, in tonight's case, estrogen (I think) flying around those blogger tournaments. Some chick was pissed at some dude. I didn't really recognize but 1 or 2 names in the tournament.

Anyway, it wasn't quite as fun as Saturday's with Dr. Pauly and payout isn't all that great either. I doubt I'll play that tourney very often.