Monday, February 18, 2008

Can someone explain the purpose of Myspace?

Myspace is all the rage these days. Everyone flocks to it. People everywhere are "addicted" to the social networking site. Hell, I'm on it. That's where I have questions. The main question is "What is the fucking point?".

When I first joined Myspace, it was OK. It was fun searching for people I know or have known throughout my years. Then once I added them all or they added me, I really couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do next. I have my friends. I've seen their pictures. I've read their stupid fucking bulletins. I didn't reply to any of the bulletins and my pet hamster didn't die of rickets and I have yet to spontaneously combust. So, whats' the point? What does this site accomplish that photobucket/Flickr and an email address doesn't?

The only useful thing I can see about this site is the local music. Myspace is great for local bands. That's assuming the local band has enough common sense to make a Myspace page and figure out how to use it. It has been my experience that most bands in the genres of music I prefer have no computer skills. However, there are a few local bands that I follow and like the fact that they keep their schedules on Myspace.

Other than the music, what's the point? I have somewhere around 100 friends on Myspace. Some are bands, most are real friends, the rest are random poker players or pro bowlers that I've conversed or had some sort of contact with in the past. Out of all my friends, there might be 4 or 5 active on Myspace at any time. But what do they do? They send stupid fucking messages and bulletins all day long. Maybe they are updating their page with tons of glitter graphics and such making their page unviewable to most web browsers. Maybe they are just stalking 14 year olds with feet fetishes. I don't know. And I don't care!

Here is a list of the uses I could come up with for Myspace:

  • See when your favorite local band is playing
  • Stalk chicks half your age that love to put up half nude pics of themselves
  • Learn how to properly throw up some gangsta sign or "The Shocker" every time someone snaps a picture of you.
  • Tell me I don't believe in God and then promise my whole family will get herpes Fibromyalgia and die off at a rapid pace if I don't change my ways.
  • Post a bulletin so I'll be sure to know what color underwear you're wearing.
  • It's a great place for fat chicks to take pics of themselves from the shoulders up (after primping the hair and makeup) and give the allusion that they are fashion models.
  • Also, if you ever get the urge to post a glittery Ron Jeremy picture wishing a person Happy Birthday, then Myspace is your spot!
  • It's an awesome place to find ringtones, porn sites, cam whores, and other spam that clutter up your inbox and bulletin board.
  • Last, but not least, if you ever wanted to find out what percentage of the population is dumb enough to fall for Phishing scams, Myspace is the spot to see just how little common sense people have.

Cliff Notes: Myspace is gay.