Thursday, February 21, 2008

Schwag and more

I had a few FPPs left over on PokerStars, so I thought I'd put them to good use. I bought an Isabelle Mercier poster and "Winning in Tough Holdem Games" by Stoxtrader. Hopefully Stars will get that stuff to me ASAP.

I have been trying out the SnG's on Full Tilt, but haven't faired too well. First of all, the games are terrible for a SnG. They are chock full of regulars and very tight. Not like I'm used to seeing. Secondly, I can't win a fucking coinflip to save my soul. I'm due to win my next 1789021470172 coin mark that down.

I'm back to cash games tonight. No tournies, no SnG's, just straight up cash games. I'm even thinking about making another video. This might be my weekly Thursday thing... make a poker video and watch Lost...God, my life sucks.