Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Back to the grind

I'm finally starting to feel better today. I got another good night's sleep last night despite having some weird dreams of running down hoppers in the mean streets of Baltimore. Yes, I have been re-watching old episodes of The Wire lately. Anyway, I'm back to the grind tonight. I have the entire evening free and the weather is shitty now, so there's nothing better to do than grind out a few buy-ins at the old Full Tilt tables.

I also plan on cooking a decent meal this evening. I haven't had a steak in a while, so I'll probably stop by the market on the way home and pick out a juicy ribeye for dinner. I figure I'll couple that along with a salad and baked potato. I have my camera, so I'll probably take some pics of my food creation.

Aside from just sitting on my lazy ass the past few days, I have been brainstorming money making ideas to accelerate my wealth and income. I haven't come up with anything brilliant, but I do have some ideas I'd like to pursue. Poker is fun and all, but I really would like to add some forms of "passive" income where I don't have to grind out a bunch of hours. If I get a couple sources of passive income, that would be awesome since there would be very minimal work involved and if they just produce a mediocre income at best, they would still help out. My area of expertise is the IT/Web/Programming route. It's not my favorite hobby, but I figure it's my easiest shot at some passive income. I'm still brainstorming ideas though. I'd like to do something that goes along the lines of stuff I like to do...gamble, bowl, fish, golf, etc. I'm just not sure yet.