Monday, June 30, 2008

Sour –> Sweet

Of course you know how bad my day has gone with the following going on:

- 2 commutes to work this morning because I forgot to leave door unlocked for carpet people

- Fought with puppy to get in his crate, he refused, I ended up giving up and locking him in den for 30 minutes until Mom came over to be with the carpet people. He ate my blinds and shit in my floor

- Thunderstorms across the East Coast have caused havoc with my customers and have caused me grief here working on technical shit.

- Full Tilt wont’ let me cash out using a Bank Transfer or MyWebATM. 

But life has a way of evening things out when you run bad.  Just like poker, when you get dealt cooler after cooler after bad beat after bad beat, you just want to give it all up.  Then all of the sudden the light shines and you get unstuck and even make a profit.

I got called into my boss’s office for a private conference.  That’s never a good sign.  I’ve been in these types of meetings for the past 14 years of my life.  The first time, I was fired.  Every time after that I’ve gotten a raise.  Which would it be today?  Of course it was a raise.  A pretty good one too.  Why would I get fired?  I’m a model employee who never slacks off (from slacking off). 

One good thing about this job is the pay.  I am now making nearly double what I made when I started in 2000.   Too bad that the rest of the job sucks.