Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Refinance time

I've just begun the process of refinancing my house. This is scary for me because it's my first time. I'm most scared of the appraisal. Will I get some dickhead/cunt having a bad day? Or will I get the appraisal I want? The house appraised for $101K last summer and I did about $20K in renovations to the house including a brand new kitchen, all new ceramic tile throughout the downstairs, and all new paint, new heat pump, etc.

I really don't know what to expect, but I do know my goals. I would like to be able to pay off my debts and have the money left over to finish the house. I don't think this will be a problem considering I bought the house for $72K. I have around $90K invested in the house. So, once everything rolls over, I should have around a $90K mortgage for a house that once appraised for $101K and has since been remodeled.

So, I'm expecting the house to appraise in the $130K-$140K area, but this is all new to me, so I don't know. Unfortunately, the bank can't choose the appraiser anymore, so it's a luck of the draw. This is idiotic to me, but whatever.... that's just a bank being a bank. They are just a shade more efficient than the Federal Government at some stuff, so I don't put any stock into them.

If all goes well, I will be absolutely debt free with the exception of my mortgage. This will translate into me not being a broke bitch anymore. I will be able to do some finishing touches on the house, but most of all, it will allow me to save more money and not live paycheck to paycheck. If I can get everything rolled over into the mortgage and still have another $40K in equity in the house, I'm going to be a very happy man... Mission accomplished and shit.

Even if I can just be rid of all my "bad" debts, I'll consider it mission accomplished. If that day comes here in a couple weeks, you'll see this man celebrate. I don't celebrate often, but when I do, I do it good!

Then, when I'm done celebrating, I'll take that opportunity to scope out House #2.

******* Edit **********

I was looking at comps in my area using my super secret website with a not-so super secret (stolen) username/password. I looked a few comps in my area. I think I'm in good shape. There aren't many houses comparable to mine in the same neighborhood because 1.) I have the double lot, and 2.) I have a full, finished basement instead of just a crawl space. One comp sold for $151K earlier this year and it didn't have a heat pump. However, it was a split foyer instead of a ranch...not sure if that makes much of a difference. There is another active listing now that is comparable... they are asking $180K ...again, no heat pump and the square footage is less than mine. That's uplifting/comforting news.