Monday, March 24, 2008

No Problems

So I opted for Bioshock over Oblivion and Mass Effect. I think it will have about the right amount of gameplay for me. Not too long, but definitely not short. I'll have to say that I'm happy with the purchase too. What a friggin' game! I'll have no problems staying away from poker this week.

I had to quit when I about had a heart attack during the game. I was in some dark corner searching a cabinet or corpse or something and when I turned around, this dude was standing right on top of me just staring. It was pretty fucking spooky and I didn't realize he was a bad guy at first until he busted me in the forehead. The music and sound in this game is brilliant. The sounds creates the atmosphere and makes the game twice as awesome.

When I was at Gamestop, I went ahead and pre-ordered GTA:IV. So I know what I'll be doing towards the end of April too.