Thursday, June 2, 2011


Nothing but a bunch of crickets chirping in the corner of the internet lately. It's hard to keep an interesting blog when you lead an uninteresting life. To solidify that statement, I'm already in bed at 8:47 p.m. on a Thursday night. I'm bored to tears and evidently there isn't much I can do about it right now. Someone needs a new hobby!?

So I think to myself "Self, what do you enjoy doing that's cheap and would make a good hobby?". The only thing that came to mind was writing. Even though I'm not as graceful with a pen or keyboard like some people, I still enjoy writing.

I'm not sure which direction I want to take this blog. I do know I don't want it to stay stagnant. I'm working on a few things in life that are kind of fun. So I figure I'll just blog about my adventures in trying to better myself.

I'm still working on losing weight. That has come to a standstill lately as I have quit dipping snuff (another aspect of my self improvement). Tonight will be my 9th consecutive night nicotine free! GO ME! One problem though... I could eat everything in this house and go out and buy some more. Jesus Christ, I can't get full. I'm scared to look at how much weight I've gained over the 9 days I've gone nicotine free. I'm sure it's a scale trainwreck waiting to happen...and it' going to happen. But it's no big deal. Hopefully these nicotine urges I get from time to time that I replace with food will go away in time. Also, I exercised today, so that helps!

Also in the self-improvement category, I'm starting up a new business. What little money I was making playing poker went completely bye bye on April 15th, so I needed to do something to earn some scratch without having to whore myself out on the street corners. I whipped up a new business license, contacted some vendors, and now I'm just a few days away from launching a pretty sexy retail website. I don't expect to make much money from the business, but I do plan on MAKING SOME MONEY. I'm starting from zilch too! A couple drop shipped items sold on ebay funded the website. Now I'm working on the capital to have a beginning inventory. My goal here is to learn the online entrepreneurial game and establish some confidence in playing that game.

I won't bore you any further. Expect more frequent updates...hopefully more entertaining than this garbage.