Sunday, January 9, 2011

Battling with a Bible thumper...

IMO, religion is nothing more than entertainment. I am entertained while hoards of people, unable to think for themselves, blindly worship an all-powerful being that can be everywhere at the same time and still have the spare time to listen to your bitching and moaning and grant your wishes. Sounds almost like Santa Claus huh?

Anyway, 95% of the time, when I type something in my Facebook status area, it's my humerous views on life. My language is very unfiltered at times too. It's who I am. If you're really my friend like Facebook says you are, then you should have known this already.

Let's flashback about 10 years. I'm very good friends with this guy who happens to have a twin. I was friends with his twin brother for a time, but over the years, the 2 twins drifted further apart from one another in personality. On one hand, the one I still call my friend is happy-go-lucky, fun to be around, and just an all around good guy. His brother grew into a miserable, annoying fuck. Our personalities clash something fierce. I can tolerate him in small doses though. Which evidently is sufficient enough to be my Facebook friend.

So I hop on Facebook a few mornings ago and type something along the lines of "My shit's so sweet, when I eat toast and eggs, I crap out cupcakes". No reason.. it just popped in my head and I chuckled. My first reply to the status:

"Wes, you need a job. All you do is post of Facebook all the time. Quit using fowl language all the time. It shows your intelligence."

WHAT!? First of all, this is coming from a dude that has probably said "Fuck" in front of my mother no less than 10 times. But apparently, after an illness, he has found religion. So now it's his duty to censor me. My retort:

"Don't insult my intelligence when you can't spell 'foul'"

I could have busted up his response a little more, but I left it at that.

So today, I'm not sure what I actually typed that offended him so much. I went back through my statuses and the most offending word I could find was "douche". But that was just this morning, he may have seen something from yesterday or before. Anyway, I get a private message (it's getting serious now!) from him that reads:

"Wesley, i love you brother, and I love picking on you. But please be considerate of what my church friends are seeing when you post cus words"

My response:

"Brother, they aren't on my friends list and won't see anything I type. If they do, they are more than welcome to delete me."

I refuse to actually battle with a Bible thumper. It's worse than arguing with a drunk. You can't win an argument when they have an imaginary friend on their side. So I say my peace and unfriend them. In the end I win.. you just have your imaginary friend and one less virtual friend, I have the knowledge of how to actually use the most popular website in the world and cut all virtual ties with you.


SirFWALGMan said...

Dude invisible friends are real! Have you not seen Harvey? (