Thursday, April 24, 2008

Financial Woes

I gotta tell you, I picked the wrong time to try on work on having a positive outlook on life. The world around me is taking shots at me and most are connecting. I'm almost down, but not out.

My latest struggle is with money. I'm running bone dry right now until next week. The problem is that I have a trip to Ohio scheduled next week. 6 hours of driving + 3 nights in a motel + food is way > than the cash I have on hand at the moment. I'm not really sure what to do.

I decided to use some of my poker money to get me through. Great idea! Except I get an email from Full Tilt telling me that due to technical difficulties beyond their control, the withdrawl will be delayed 3-5 days. Awesome!

The last thing I want to do is live off a credit card for the business trip. But this might have to happen. I hate the way they schedule these trips. I get paid once a month. Of course, I get scheduled to travel at the end of the month when funds are low. To top all of that off, the boss people do payroll using our software (which supports Direct Deposit), yet they refuse to do direct deposit with us. So I'll still be out of town when my paycheck arrives in my mail with no way of depositing it to alleviate this mess I've gotten myself into. The reason we don't have direct deposit? That would require the 2 owners which are former husband and wife to communicate with each other.

Hopefully next month, none of this will be a problem. I'll have my refinancing out of the way so there's no more renovations coming directly out of my pocket. I've bit the bullet and bought a mower. Plus I've cut out several hundred dollars worth of expenses.

I'm so ready to give a big fuck you to April.