Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Part 2: 'Nuff Said

So I've been hemming and hawing about what to put in Part 2 of my dismal story. Finally I decided that I've said everything that needs to be said in Part 1. So the bottom line was I took a swing, and I missed. I still have 2 strikes left though! Oh, and poker sucks.

Now that the holidays are almost over, I can get back into my diet and exercise routine and focus on losing weight and getting even healthier. I still have a good ways to go in this aspect.

As for making money, I'm not sure. I'm taking more computer side jobs to help with money. I don't necessarily like it, but it's still way better than being stuck in a cubicle. I like the freedom of being my own boss, but I'll need to come up with a more profitable business fairly soon or it will be back to hanging with the lost souls of humanity in a office building.